A Full-Service Law Firm
Introducing VMM's New Service – Adulting 101?: Life Preparedness for Young Adults

Introducing VMM's New Service – Adulting 101℠: Life Preparedness for Young Adults

VMM is proud to announce our new service, Adulting 101℠: Life Preparedness for Young Adults, helping college-bound and others age 18 or older and their family create a plan for whatever life brings next.

They’ll always be your child and you’ll always be their parent, but if they are 18 or older, they are legally an adult.

As the parent of an adult, you are legally restricted or blocked from access to information about their life and ability to make decisions for them. If you want to help them with legal, financial, medical, and other affairs, you need to create an estate plan together.

“Estate plan” may sound like something just for the old or rich, but it’s not. It can be as simple as a few basic documents, giving your child and you the peace of mind that comes from knowing that whatever happens, you can help.

Whether they still live at home or on their own, whether they’re financially independent or not, whether they’re attending college, vocational school, or neither, their plan is tailored to them and follows their wishes.

You’ve protected your child their whole life. With an estate plan in place, you can continue protecting them now that they’re an adult.

Learn more at our Adulting 101℠ page or contact us.


VMM's Adulting 101
